Tag: washington dc


The Wine Cooperative presents Benziger Wines

I will be attending this lovely Dinner and very excited because every single dish will have a vegetarian option so I’ll be able to try every dish paired with a glass of Benziger Wine! For those interested in RSVP this is the link: http://benzigerwine.eventbrite.com/ And the Wine Cooperative FB Page: http://www.facebook.com/TheWineCooperative Wednesday, April 18, 2012 6:00 PM to […]


Chili con Veggies

Not in season but boy I’ve missed tomatoes, thank you Mexico. I promised some friends I would share my regular day dishes recipe since I became vegetarian.  I have to admit it hasn’t been easy and more when I was talked into old school Atkins Diet, so you can imagine how of a challenge it […]

Eden Asian Products

Kitchen Basics

Basics – Cada domingo preparo caldo de pollo.  Reservo una mitad en el congelador y la otra en el refrigerador.  Es increíble cómo este caldo le da un tono de sabor a las sopas, salsas y arroces.  Sé que debí haber cortado los vegetales más pequeños y así el contacto de los mismos con el […]