Serves 6 portions – Cooking Time 1.5 hours
Tag: gluten-free
Receta de Hamburguesa de Lentejas
Tantos recuerdos de hamburguesas durante mi infancia, caseras, de comida rápida, luego las gourmet, que si de pavo, vaca, cerdo o gallina.  Pero hoy le dedico a a las hamburguesas veganas/vegetarianas.  Hamburguesas que aunque diferente en sabor, igual son deliciosas incluso, más que algunas de animales. Usualmente prefiero otro tipos de comidas rápidas sobre […]
Date-Banana Muffin Recipe
I make Banana Muffins every other week and I always change a few ingredients like the fat, flour, spices and/or nuts. Â This time I decided to change its sweetness, I’ve always used brown sugar, raspadura (unrefined raw sugar), Â or maple syrup but this time I tried dates. I calculated 1 date per muffin, plus 1 […]
Review of Pamela’s Mix: Brownies in a Hurry!
Chocolate Brownie Mix, no shame baby! I love trying new products and though you can make brownies from scratch quickly, I still wanted to try a Gluten-Free version and I saw this package at a Target and got it!, (I think I’ve seen it too at Whole Foods too), they sell also sell Pancake and […]