1. Â Read, Read and Re-Read your recipe I’ve always loved bread, with butter, or queso fresco, coffee, tea or my favorite hot cocoa in winter and cold milk in summer. While living in Panama I can still remember my dad going to the “PanaderÃa del Chinito” (bakery run by Chinese), and buying “viril” some sort […]
Recipes I create or recreate.
Recetas que me creo o que reinvento.
Pumpkin-Vanilla & Chocolate-Mint Whoopie Pies!
It was my 2nd Friday off from the restaurant so I thought about testing whoopie pies recipes. My love of whoopie pies started when I tried one 2 years ago, it was rather bland, but I loved the fun shape it had, then I tried the ones Whole Foods sells and it was OK. While working at Treet […]
Cheesecake de Mitch – “An Extra Creamy Cheesecake for work”
A recipe by my friend Mitch, from the land of Cristiano Ronaldo! I am sure my sister will enjoy this recipe she is the opposite of me, I love strawberries, she loves Cherries, I adore pancakes, she prefers Waffles! To all my friends, whoever wants to share a recipe either in Spanish, English or any […]
Francesinha, un 'must' de la cocina Portuense
Siempre le he rogado a mi amiga Mitch que comparta su experiencia culinaria en la gran Portugal, su amor por el aceite de oliva, por las sardinas fritas y otros platos tradicionales, asà que este es su primera y espero no última contribución en mi blog, espero disfruten y prueben esta receta en casa, ya […]
Saus – Sao – Pickled Pig’s Trotters
Every Friday would usually be “Carry Out Friday” and even more when it was payday Friday. Mom likes to rest from cooking on weekend evenings so whenever she and my Dad would come back from work they would stop by the “Lady on the Corner” and buy Lomo Guisado w/ Frijolitos & Rice and a […]
Guandú (gandules) – Green Pigeon Peas
La verdad es que no tengo mucha experiencia cocinando el guandú, pero si comiéndolo sobretodo con arroz y coco. Me gustarÃa cocinar otro plato con él, por ejemplo el sambhar. Un amigo me confesó haber comprado un paquete en el supermercado, como ven en la fotografÃa en inglés le dicen Green Pigeon Peas asà que […]
Platanos en Tentacion – Sweet Plantains in Temptation
Cuando compres Plátanos maduros debes asegurarte que tienen algunas pintadas negras en la cáscara y que no tengan rasgos de verde, al menos que planees utilizarlos después), también revisa que no estén demasiado suaves, aunque un poquito suave está bien para esta receta. Casi todos los dÃas mi mami cocina plátanos maduros, los hierve, hornea, […]
Mamallena – Raisin Bread Pudding
After baking the Challah many friends gave me the advise for what to do with leftovers, french toast, but since we are just two people and on Sunday morning I’m in a hurry to go to play volleyball in the morning, what comes in mind is Mamallena a.k.a. “Bread Pudding”, you can freeze the rest […]
Challah & Me – My first bread
The original recipe is from the Better Homes and Gardens Holiday Baking 2008 issue (but found it on here and I found this recipe through a Food website that sends you the headlines for several Food Blogs websites, (which I will register once my blog passes 90 days =). Yeast, Water & Honey Stir and […]
Banana Nut Muffins
August 2013! Por algún motivo mi Chico está aburrido de las bananas (guineos), pero ellas son tan baratas y buenas para el cuerpo y por eso las compro y siempre hago muffins o pan. Estos muffins duran muy bien en el congelador cubiertos como por 3 meses, y en el refrigerador alrededor de 4 dÃas […]